Continuing Personal and Professional Development
Create a ‘one-page’ CV which outlines your education, work experience, qualification and skills to date then plan your personal and professional development over the next 1-3 years. In your ‘Referee’ section, give consideration about two referee’s who would be best placed to provide a supportive reference when you may need it over the next 1-3 years, then contact them to get their permission (show evidence of this in your portfolio) and ensure you have up to date contact details for them which you should check over time. You should also include any courses you are currently studying even if you have yet to complete them. Here is an example you can use to generate your CV:

Reflect on your strengths and areas of your personal and professional development which you may need to focus on. Try an individual SWOT analysis from Showsweet to generate a realistic assessment of where you are currently positioned and where you could make improvements or pursue opportunities: